Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Profitable Servant

Years have passed since I was called into a renewal,
To accept and know Christ more in a way that is personal.

I’ve rejoiced, felt being changed and really gone out of my way
because He has touched me and healed all my dismay.

In my great delight, serving Him seems to be a good payment,
And maybe, in one way or another, a very good investment.

And so I focused myself in becoming a servant in His name,
Taking everything away including my shame.

Little did I notice, my passion for service started to grow,
Sharing the blessings I have to the less fortunate people I know.

I felt good, felt differently,
To these people, I have built camaraderie and became friendly.

Admiration came that entailed bragging my own,
Putting everything aside for my all to be shown.

To everyone, I’ve became known
For I have disregarded my family, even my studies I have thrown.

I exerted effort in showing and giving more,
Until I’ve become rotten and selfish to my very core.

For I have thought of doing more, and even my best,
Making everything at my very own hands be at rest.

I’ve became a man of service, believing that I was good,
Instead of being a man of God, leaving everything to Him for good.

I focused in strengthening the service that sustained me,
Serving so many people but not the One above me.

Soon I became a loser, because all my work to Him I didn’t offer.
For service did I thought was all that matter!

~ 3:58 am ; 11-12-03

This is also one of the literary works God inspired me to come up with during my YFC days. Truly, He works in mysterious ways.

To God be the glory.


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