Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some Recent Realizations

I realized..

..that no matter how 'experienced' you may be, never assume that you already know how to handle some things on your own to the point of doing away already with the vital things called preparation and coordination; otherwise, you will just make yourself look stupid, really stupid. worse, make others look the same.

..that no matter how good or intelligent you perceive yourself may be, never think that you are infallible. you can never run away from mistakes. keep your standards low to keep yourself from hitting the ground hard.

..that no matter how cautious you may be, time will come when you will find yourself at the wrong place and at the wrong time. and worse if there is nothing you can do about it. damn!

..that sometimes, your efforts will be just put to waste because of another person's effort. but i ask, when must you insist and when must you give way?

..that although you know that certain problems are to be left where they should be and not to be brought somewhere else, sometimes, you just can not. a simple reminder that you are not an electronically controlled or programmed creature.

..that Thai foods taste good. thanks Ate Cora for the treat; indeed, you are a talented Chef.

How about you?


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