Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Heavenly Hope

3 Not only that, we even boast of our afflictions,
knowing that affliction produces endurance,
4 and endurance, proven character,
and proven character, hope,
5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us.

Romans 5 : 3-5

Ut In Omnibus,
Glorificetur Deus.


Friday, July 25, 2008

The Traveler’s Gift

While thinking about what to post for some time now, several topics came rushing to my mind: ancestral origin, hometown, escapades, faith and love life(?), among others. The only problem is that I just can’t find a way to start one and come up with a good write-up. This has always been the problem of trying hard seasonal writers like me. Anyway, I can still use such topics in the days to come; just need to find a good motivation or inspiration perhaps so I can put them into words.

Now, why The Travelers Gift you may ask? I chose this topic because of a book that I finished reading a couple of months ago. The Traveler’s Gift is a book written by Andy Andrews, wherein he mentioned and creatively presented the seven choices that one must take into account in order to achieve personal triumph. I consider it very inspirational because I, as a naive traveler of life, usually look at the glass half-empty or in a wrong perspective (although I’m still in denial of myself being pessimistic), causing me to live a topsy-turvy life. And since I find it helpful to be always reminded of these must-make decisions so I could be guided accordingly, I decided to come up with this post. This will also allow me to share them with you guys.

So to Sir Andy, let me borrow some of your wits:

Andy Andrews' The Traveler's Gift: The Seven Decisions

The Traveler’s Gift:
7 Decisions That Determine Personal Success

First Decision
The Buck Stops Here.

I accept responsibility for my past.
I control my thoughts.
I control my emotions.
I am responsible for my success.
The buck stops here.

Second Decision
I Will Seek Wisdom.

I will be a servant to others.
I will listen to the counsel of wise men.
I will choose my friends with care.
I will seek wisdom.

Third Decision
I Am A Person Of Action.

I am courageous.
I am a leader.
I seize the moment.
I choose now.
I am a person of action.

Fourth Decision
I Have A Decided Heart.

I will not wait.
I am passionate about my vision for the future.
My course has been charted.
My destiny is assured.
I have a decided heart.

Fifth Decision
Today I Will Choose To Be Happy.

I will greet each day with laughter.
I will smile at every person I meet.
I am the possessor of a grateful spirit.
Today I will choose to be happy.

Sixth Decision
I Will Greet This Day With A Forgiving Spirit.

I will forgive even those who do not ask for forgiveness.
I will forgive those who criticize me unjustly.
I will forgive myself.
I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit.

Seventh Decision
I Will Persist Without Exception.

I will continue despite exhaustion.
I focus on results.

I am a person of great faith
I will persist without exception.

I hope these decisions will guide us all in dealing with our lives, victoriously.


Thanks Tito Omec for sharing the book with me.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Law School

After 14 long years of studying just to finish a baccalaureate degree, which is said to be the minimum educational requirement to find a decent job, I decided to go back to school for another 4 excruciating years as a Law student.

Being a Political Science graduate, I thought that I have nowhere else to go but to pursue the study of Law. Never did I think that what I am about to go through is a journey to uncertainty. Why? It is because the foremost and ultimate goal of every Law student is to become a lawyer. Unfortunately, passing the Bar Examination is definitely not that easy, especially if you are talking about the Philippine Bar Exam. As a result, a number of times did I entertain the thought of quitting, or at least taking a break for a year or two, from Law school. Such thoughts rush in whenever I am overwhelmed by the terrible rigors of almost everyday recitation and/or short quiz as well as the periodic hell week (prelims, midterms and final examinations), not to mention the number of textbooks, codal provisions, cases and other materials you need to read, understand and keep in mind. Indeed, to be part of the legal profession is to do lots of hard work and sacrifice (of course perseverance and prayers included). Also, the need for me to work and earn money to be able to support my studies even made things difficult for me in Law school. With all these, my doubtful and not-so-confident mind consistently convinces me that the Law course is not my cup of tea.

Nonetheless, our batch was able to graduate. Starting from about 40-50 enrollees, 9 of us plus 9 irregular students survived and finished strong. Last March 2008, I received my LLB diploma. Together with my classmates, I am proud to say that:
“Studying Law is tough, but we are definitely tougher!”

Bicol College Diploma

My classmates are now preparing for the fast approaching 2008 Bar Examination. As for me, I decided to take the exam next year to be able to catch up with so many things. But sadly, I still haven’t flipped through the pages of any reading materials for almost 4 months now. Sigh! Hopefully, I’ll be able to get back on track and do what is supposed to be done before it’s too late.

Who among us will become a lawyer, He only knows. And so I say, God bless us all and best of luck.

St. Jude, pray for us.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Quo Vadis?

ORO SITE, LEGAZPI CITY - June 19, 2008 is the date that I and my officemates will never forget. In just a matter of 3 hours or even less on that day, the shocking purge of the US Auto Parts Network (Philippines) Corp., Legazpi City Office took place.

Clueless, helpless and overwhelmed, we were left with no other choice but to leave and receive US Auto Parts love lettersseparation pay after announcing the complete cessation of our workplace’s operation, which until now, some of us still do not clearly know why. While a few were given an offer to continue their services in Pasig City Office, most of us became jobless right then and there.

Today, the 18th of July, 2008 technically, officially and actually marks our last day of being connected with the company. How come? Here’s how, as written in a very touching love letter by the very concerned, sincere and regretful Country Manager (yeah right, sir! >:)):

19 June 2008

The Company in its business study to optimize its resources and strengthen its competitive and viability in the market, decided that some streamlining of our organization is inevitable thus requiring a reorganization of work assignments and the abolition of certain positions that are redundant.

In view of the above, we regret to inform to end your services with Company effective 19 July 2008. xxx

Well, this is just but one proof that in life, we really can’t win ‘em all. We gain some and we definitely lose some.

After three (3) years, eleven (11) months and three (3) days of working and earning money, I ask myself now, “Quo vadis, Lops?
